Hot on Bintray: Package Merging

UPDATE: As of May 1, 2021 Bintray services will no longer be available (ConanCenter and JCenter are not affected) for more information read the Centers Deprecation Blog

We have recently introduced package merging: several packages from the same repository can now be merged into one. This is extremely useful when you have existing packages that are not aligned properly. For example, when you have many small technical packages (modules) that are logically one, single package, often using the same version scheme. Such situations are extremely common with maven packages that were created to reflect existing group IDs and that are effectively part of a single package (a common situation for packages imported to JCenter).

This is how it works:

Package Merging

(1) From the package you wish to merge the other packages into, click the new Merge button.
(BTW, have you noticed our new tabs UI? ;-))

(2) Once clicked, select the other packages to merge into the package you have just selected.
The merge page contains two sections: On the left side, a list for filtering, finding and selecting candidate packages in the same repo for merging.  On the right side, the  package that is the merge target – all other selected packages will be merged into it. Note that the default is the name of the package you have selected in step #1, but you can change this name.

How to Merge Packages?

(3) Click Merge to have the files and versions of all the selected packages merged. Note that your files will be laid-out in the repository exactly as they were before the merge – but you can now manage them and all your versions under a new, consolidated logical package.